It’s Monday. Rush hour for the office or school. Damn it where is the keys of my car & I hurriedly look all over to find them out in my office bag! For a moment, I’m very annoyed with myself and curse why didn’t I keep it on the console table last night. There is a sudden surge of negative emotions that start causing some tremors inside – why it happens to me on Mondays?
We deal with negative energies of all kinds daily. In fact, we live with them every day. Feeling envy of friend or sibling having something more than we have or jealousy because my boss likes my colleague’s work better than I do. Checked the Whatsapp status of my ex and I felt like smashing my phone on the floor. Well, the list is as long we can go on. Ever realized, these negative emotions are driving us away from over main objectives. When I say main objective, I mean the real objective which is positive, strong, harmonious, and good, if not virtuous. My boss should get fired someday, so that I can work in peace, is a negative objective. I work in peace with my boss and colleagues is the real one. The best formula to take care of our negative emotions is – “3 Check”. Check – analyze, check – stop negativity and check (chess) – win over it. Most of the time, we do not wish to analyze ourselves, but when start doing it we are turning into gold. This is the first step that will lead us towards our real moto. To come to peace with our own self is very difficult. Settling down with our egos and keep believing that – “I’m like that only” or “this is my way” blinds us and we remain a part of herd all around having no place of our own to shine with a character.
The first Check is your will that charges you to become positive. The second Check is your mindset that goads you to put a stop to how erroneously you are feeling or acting. Finally, the third Check is consolidation of victory over the negativity to ensure how you must behave if the similar situation comes up again. There is no yardstick of rules, or dos or don’ts for, to stay always positive. But there many simple ways to do this. Many things that help us to be on positive side of the scale, are summed up here to help you chalk out your list.
1. Dress well. Look good. Be smart. This always work.
2. Get the surroundings clean, if required. Shambles breed bugs that eat up good part of your mind.
3. Discipline in life. Set some sort of discipline in the areas that you feel will help you make feel good.
4. Get in habit of doing positive affirmations daily– I attract positive people only in my life or I attract positivity only. Welcome to my heart - Positive vibes only.
5. If someone says to you 2+3=21; reply okay, well done! Don’t give a damn to anything that have no relevance or value. Avoid engaging in un-necessary discussions that create heart burns for you.
6. Remember feelings like envy or jealousy are like acidity in stomach. If someone is making you envious or jealous, the best thing would be “avoiding” and involve yourself into any other absorbing activities like watching your favorite movie or visiting your parents or eating out. It will take some time, but surely you will get over it.
7. Know your assets and treat them well – your family, parents and friends are your most valuable assets. So, every time before acting like an ass, think of them. If you are in hurry and the traffic is horrible, sky is not going to fall unless you wish to piss-off the Gods. Stay calm & don’t lose your mind. Listen to some good music to talk to someone over the phone.
8. Your wife or girl-friend’s demands are high and will get higher, may be every day. Don’t get irritated. Learn to keep smiling and say – Oh Honey! The golden eggs in the backyard haven’t hatched yet, lets’ make good of what we have. If the response is “not good”, don’t worry, you can always do a plan B, but stay cheerful.
9. Worry is the worst from of negativity. Keep smiling and don’t let the wrinkles stretch on your temples. Smiling is a skill and if you don’t have it, acquire it fast.
10. Anger issues are best managed with simple realization – how much you matter to your loved ones, so act carefully. If you think, nothing matters, make some friends – realization will come sooner than you can expect.
11. Someone always keeps yelling at you, for nothing or by habit. Learn to deal with it – don’t react or say anything. Silence is the finest weapon.
12. Sometimes negativity is in air – the news we watch or gossips we hear or even a brief company of some people affects you adversely. Changing your daily schedule or the way you respond in such a case, helps. Start the day with something different rather than watching the news or limit the gossiping with certain people if you cann’t ignore.
13. Be active. Involve in household chores or set a routine for walk or cycling. Hit the gym. Write something or read a book, make a meal. Options are plenty.
14. Spend some time alone. Cutting off for few moments or for some time, helps negativity wean away.
15. Avoid junk food. Your mind is the reflection of your cravings.
16. Lastly, keep trying. Give yourself a little benefit of being human. So, if you continue to make mistakes, don’t fret. It takes time to unwind old habits and wind the new ones.
Negativity is easier to pick up & staying positive is a task. Once you get hell bent on being positive in any situation, you can see the change in yourself. Yesterday, I was to pick up grocery in the evening after office and I was looking for a parking slot. Got one free parking space, but a very young girl on bike was there. I requested her to move to little back so that I can park my car. She did but it wasn’t enough. I requested her again as there was more space available, she ignored & didn’t move anymore. Finally, awkwardly parked it & while moving towards the store, I said to her – “how nice it would have been to co-operate a bit more”. She bluntly said – “I did, of course”. This hurt my ego and I didn’t even bother to respond and kept walking away. I thought I gave her a befitting reply by just moving away and not responding. After reaching home, the scene went through my mind again. I realized; I was wrong. In the fit of moment, I picked up negativity that quelled my gentlemanliness. I was ungrateful for she let me have some space on my first request. Secondly, I should have simply smiling said to her – “Thank you”, as it would have made the difference, if not in her approach; definitely, in my way of enacting the legacy of a gentleman into my persona. I accepted the amendments to be done for future and I felt good.
Treat yourself for being positive, by your choice and not because it was an option. As you learn there is no option of positivity, you get more confident and aligned to the nature. Adorable and happier.